Julia and Russell are still on the road, this time doing the show LIVE from Kansas City, MO. Along the way they've taken LOTS of photos. Now what?If you are still relying on Photoshop for your image adjustment, you might be missing out on some really powerful tools in the Adobe tool belt that can speed up your workflow and improve image quality...as well as help you manage your files better.We'll play with Lightroom Mobile, Lightroom, Bridge and Camera Raw, Photoshop and InDesign.InDesign...wait, what? Yes, we'll show you how you as the photographer can be a big part of the layout process in InDesign using Metadata. It's so cool.AND you get to see some of the cool places Julia and Russell have been, like the studio where Walt Disney created Micky Mouse, Charlie Parker's grave, and the world's largest shuttlecocks.