There should probably be a disclaimer for this series, something like: “ does not recommend or encourage the actual use the the practical jokes shown in this series. They are presented for educational and entertainment value only,” or something like that.
We don’t want anyone mad at us over this. We’re just having fun showing you some stuff.
In this ever-developing series, we present various tips and tricks to help you work faster…and how to turn those same techniques into practical jokes you can pull on your coworkers (or, per our disclaimer, NOT pull on your coworkers).
Time to play a little joke on our Photoshop using friends with a simple setting in the Rectangle Marquee Tool.
You may have played this joke on yourself, by accident, so even if you're not a prankster, this episode is worth a watch.
This kind of hidden feature is one of those things that makes life easier, like cup holders in a car. You can highlight or hide menu items for a better interface...and a a joke on coworkers.
Working with Character Styles can be tricky. It's important you know how to avoid tripping yourself up...and how to use it to trip up your coworkers.