WARNING: If you're paid by the hour, DO NOT watch this stream! Are you tired of doing the same tasks over and over and over...and over, while using Adobe's Creative Cloud Applications?Julia and Russell are about as lazy as they come, and they have mastered many useful Tricks 'n' Stuff to automate their work, so they work smarter, not harder. And now they're going to share many of those techniques with you on this Episode of Digiversity.tv LIVE.Tune in for this information-packed Episode which will cover some InDesign, Some Illustrator, Some Bridge, and a lot of Photoshop, automating multiple artboards to update Social Media assets in seconds. And other stuff. If you've even watched an Episode of Digiveristy.tv LIVE, you know Julia and Russell are throwing out information like candy at a parade...and they'll do it again on this show, so don't miss it.