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On the Air with Digiversity.tv LIVE!

We're live in 4 ... 3 ... 2 ....

It just wasn't enough for us to be busy making episodes for the launch of Digiversity.tv. No, we had to ALSO start making live shows, streaming on Adobe Behance. We hope you'll join us.

Julia Viers
Russell Viers
August 11, 2022
3 mins. tops

As if we weren’t busy enough trying to launch a new website, Julia Zieger and I decided to create a LIVE show, as well. Yeah...kinda crazy.

It wasn’t really planned. It just sort of happened.

I was in “Studio B” working on an Episode for the “What’s New in CC 2022” series. It shows a new feature of InDesign that has a few functions of Adobe Capture. I was trying to edit the shape I had just created in the CC Library when I found a really cool feature...then ran into a snag that dragged me down into a rabbit hole that took hours from my life.

Somewhere in there, while trying to solve this mystery “bug” I had encountered, I received a notification that our friend Tim Möbest was streaming live on Behance.

I walked over to the railing of the loft, which keeps me from falling to my death, leaned over and asked Julia: “Why aren’t we streaming live?”

So now we are. And having a ball doing it.

Julia and Russell on the air


Last week was the Premier of Digiversity.tv LIVE and nobody was injured, there were no fires, and a few people (43) actually joined in to watch. I call that a win. 

In our first Episode I relived the trauma of solving the Indesign/CC Libraries/Illustrator/EPS bug that started this whole thing. We also introduced features “Beef of the Week” and “Mind Blower of the Week.” Fun. You can watch the recording of it, if you really, really, really have nothing better to do.

Make sure to follow Digiveristy.tv on Behance so you get notified when we're live.

And now we are planning our second episode: Adobe CC 2022! What’s HOT! What’s NOT!

Got Some Beef?

Beef of the Week

We have a lot of fun, informative stuff planned for the episode, as well as the return of “Beef of the Week” and “Mind Blower of the Week.”

Julia and Russell presenting the Mindblower of the Week

The big deal about our next show is that we’ll all play “New Feature BINGO!” and the viewer who wins gets an enormous prize (to be announced live on the show).

But in this morning’s Digiversity.tv LIVE planning meeting, Julia and I decided to make this even BIGGER! “Not possible,” you say? Well...not MUCH bigger, but a little bigger.

Take Your Viewers to Work Day

Take Your Viewers to Work Day Header

We are taking the existing Series “Take Your Viewers to Work Day” and making it live. It already was kind of live, but still edited a bit. Now it will stream live on Behance and the recording will go on the site in the Series. So when Julia, or I, have a project to work on, and we think it would be of interest to viewers, we’ll announce it and hit the button to go on Air. Then you can join us as we work on real projects for real humans.

We are also creating a new LIVE Series called “Digiversity.tv Labs,” where Julia, or I, or both of us may be wondering how something works in the software and we’ll let you join us in the lab as we test new ideas, features, workflows, integration with other applications, and more. 

This may not be pretty. It may be that, just like in science, the experiments don’t give us the results we had hoped for. But at least we’ll know what NOT to do, eh?

Are we biting off more than we can chew? Probably, but we’re having fun and it’s nice to interact with other creatives on the same path. 

We look forward to joining you on future Episodes of Digiversity.tv LIVE, Take Your Viewers to Work Day, and Digiversity.tv Labs. And don’t forget about our video library currently available at Digiversity.tv

And we’re live in 4 … 3 … 2 ….

Julia and Russell with their Beef of the Week Eyebrows

As if we weren’t busy enough trying to launch a new website, Julia Zieger and I decided to create a LIVE show, as well. Yeah...kinda crazy.

It wasn’t really planned. It just sort of happened.

I was in “Studio B” working on an Episode for the “What’s New in CC 2022” series. It shows a new feature of InDesign that has a few functions of Adobe Capture. I was trying to edit the shape I had just created in the CC Library when I found a really cool feature...then ran into a snag that dragged me down into a rabbit hole that took hours from my life.

Somewhere in there, while trying to solve this mystery “bug” I had encountered, I received a notification that our friend Tim Möbest was streaming live on Behance.

I walked over to the railing of the loft, which keeps me from falling to my death, leaned over and asked Julia: “Why aren’t we streaming live?”

So now we are. And having a ball doing it.

Julia and Russell on the air


Last week was the Premier of Digiversity.tv LIVE and nobody was injured, there were no fires, and a few people (43) actually joined in to watch. I call that a win. 

In our first Episode I relived the trauma of solving the Indesign/CC Libraries/Illustrator/EPS bug that started this whole thing. We also introduced features “Beef of the Week” and “Mind Blower of the Week.” Fun. You can watch the recording of it, if you really, really, really have nothing better to do.

Make sure to follow Digiveristy.tv on Behance so you get notified when we're live.

And now we are planning our second episode: Adobe CC 2022! What’s HOT! What’s NOT!

Got Some Beef?

Beef of the Week

We have a lot of fun, informative stuff planned for the episode, as well as the return of “Beef of the Week” and “Mind Blower of the Week.”

Julia and Russell presenting the Mindblower of the Week

The big deal about our next show is that we’ll all play “New Feature BINGO!” and the viewer who wins gets an enormous prize (to be announced live on the show).

But in this morning’s Digiversity.tv LIVE planning meeting, Julia and I decided to make this even BIGGER! “Not possible,” you say? Well...not MUCH bigger, but a little bigger.

Take Your Viewers to Work Day

Take Your Viewers to Work Day Header

We are taking the existing Series “Take Your Viewers to Work Day” and making it live. It already was kind of live, but still edited a bit. Now it will stream live on Behance and the recording will go on the site in the Series. So when Julia, or I, have a project to work on, and we think it would be of interest to viewers, we’ll announce it and hit the button to go on Air. Then you can join us as we work on real projects for real humans.

We are also creating a new LIVE Series called “Digiversity.tv Labs,” where Julia, or I, or both of us may be wondering how something works in the software and we’ll let you join us in the lab as we test new ideas, features, workflows, integration with other applications, and more. 

This may not be pretty. It may be that, just like in science, the experiments don’t give us the results we had hoped for. But at least we’ll know what NOT to do, eh?

Are we biting off more than we can chew? Probably, but we’re having fun and it’s nice to interact with other creatives on the same path. 

We look forward to joining you on future Episodes of Digiversity.tv LIVE, Take Your Viewers to Work Day, and Digiversity.tv Labs. And don’t forget about our video library currently available at Digiversity.tv

And we’re live in 4 … 3 … 2 ….

Julia and Russell with their Beef of the Week Eyebrows


Russell Viers

Third Chair Trumpet

I'm just a guy who was lucky to have made MANY mistakes creating files since 1987...and learning from those mistakes. Always trying to find a better way, I've learned the techniques you see in these videos on real projects over 35 years (plus many more doing paste-up).


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